The liver, or Yakrit, is one of the most vital organs in the human body, responsible for metabolism, detoxification, bile secretion, and overall maintenance of physiological balance. In Ayurveda, Yakrit Dravya refers to medicinal herbs and formulations that support liver function, protect against hepatotoxicity, and enhance digestion and metabolism. The ancient texts classify liver disorders under Yakrit Vikara, with conditions like Kamala (jaundice), Yakrit Vriddhi (hepatomegaly), and Pandu (anemia) being directly linked to liver dysfunction.
Yakrit Dravya plays an essential role in:
According to Charaka Samhita, liver disorders arise due to an imbalance in the doshas, improper digestion, and excessive Pitta accumulation, which leads to a weakened liver. Sushruta Samhita also emphasizes the role of the liver in blood purification and digestion, indicating that Yakrit Dravya must be hepatoprotective, detoxifying, and rejuvenating.
Yakrit Dravya consists of medicinal herbs with specific properties that help in liver detoxification, hepatoprotection, and restoration of normal liver functions. These herbs exhibit the following pharmacological effects:
Since Pitta dosha governs liver function, excess Pitta leads to inflammation, hyperbilirubinemia, and jaundice. Tikta (bitter) and Sheeta (cooling) Yakrit Dravyas help balance Pitta and prevent hepatic inflammation.
Yakrit Dravyas enhance liver metabolism, bile secretion, and digestion. Herbs like Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri) and Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) aid in fat metabolism, reducing the burden on the liver.
Since the liver is closely associated with Rakta dhÄtu (blood tissue), hepatoprotective herbs also act as blood purifiers. Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) are potent blood purifiers used to correct liver-related blood disorders.
Herbs like Kalmegha (Andrographis paniculata) reduce hepatic inflammation, making them effective in treating hepatitis and fatty liver conditions.
Ayurvedic hepatoprotective herbs support cellular regeneration and detoxification, promoting long-term liver health. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) and Amla (Emblica officinalis) enhance liver cell regeneration and improve vitality.
Ayurvedic classics like Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita have extensively described liver disorders and their treatment using Yakrit Dravyas. Ancient Ayurvedic physicians emphasized the importance of Pitta balance and blood purification in preventing liver diseases.
Rishi Charaka classified Yakrit Roga under Raktavaha Srotas disorders, linking liver health to blood detoxification. Sushruta described Kamala (jaundice) and Yakrit Vriddhi (liver enlargement) in detail, recommending herbs like Bhumyamalaki, Punarnava, and Kalmegha for treatment.
Yakrit Dravyas play a critical role in maintaining liver health, bile secretion, and blood purification. Their Pitta-pacifying, detoxifying, and hepatoprotective properties make them essential in managing jaundice, fatty liver, and hepatitis. Through proper herbal formulations, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes, Ayurvedic medicine provides a holistic approach to liver health, ensuring long-term vitality and well-being.
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Medicinal Herbs of Ayurveda – Nakra Ayurveda deals in such diverse range of Medicinal Herbs of ayurveda and provides customized extracts to patients in form of oil, powder, tablets, kwatha etc.
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