Lakuch (Artocarpus lacucha) in Ayurveda: A Comprehensive Analysis
Lakuch (Artocarpus lacucha), also known as Monkey Jack, is a highly valued medicinal tree in Ayurveda. It is known for its powerful antioxidant, digestive, and anti-inflammatory properties. It primarily balances Pitta and Kapha doshas, making it useful in treating various digestive and metabolic disorders.
Among its numerous medicinal applications, Lakuch is most accountable in treating Atisara (Diarrhea) due to its Grahi (absorbent), Stambhana (astringent), and Deepana (digestive stimulant) properties. This article provides a detailed insight into its Ayurvedic relevance, pharmacognosy, medicinal actions, and home remedies.
Atisara, or diarrhea, occurs due to an imbalance in the doshas, particularly when aggravated Pitta or Vata disturbs the normal digestive function. The subtypes include:
Vataja Atisara: Frequent stools, frothy, dry texture, abdominal cramps.
Pittaja Atisara: Loose stools, burning sensation, sour smell, and dehydration.
Kaphaja Atisara: Mucus-filled stools, heaviness, sluggish digestion.
Sannipataja Atisara: A chronic condition involving all three doshas.
Stambhana (Astringent Action): Controls excessive bowel movements.
Grahi (Absorbent Action): Strengthens the intestines and absorbs excess moisture.
Deepana (Appetizer): Enhances digestive fire (Agni) and promotes metabolism.
Pachana (Carminative): Helps in breaking down Ama (toxins) and prevents fermentation.
Raktashodhaka (Blood Purifier): Detoxifies the gut and bloodstream.
Botanical Name: Artocarpus lacucha
Family: Moraceae
Medium-sized deciduous tree with spreading branches.
Yellowish-green fruits with a sour taste.
Found in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia.
Dosha Impact: Primarily pacifies Pitta and Kapha, while slightly affecting Vata.
Dhatu Impact: Acts on Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (Blood), and Mamsa (Muscle) Dhatus.
Srotas (Channels): Works on Annavaha Srotas (Digestive System), helping in gut detoxification and absorption of nutrients.
Sanskrit: Lakuch, Lakoocha
Hindi: Barhar, Lakuchi
Tamil: Ilantha Pazham
Telugu: Lacucha Pandu
Bengali: Dewa Phal
Marathi: Lakuch
Kannada: Deva Hannu
Flavonoids: Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Tannins: Astringent and anti-diarrheal effects.
Saponins: Detoxifying and antimicrobial benefits.
Alkaloids: Nervine tonic and immune-boosting.
Phenolic compounds: Hepatoprotective and digestive stimulant.
Atisara (Diarrhea): Controls bowel irregularities and restores gut balance.
Arsha (Hemorrhoids): Reduces swelling and bleeding in piles.
Panduroga (Anemia): Enhances hemoglobin levels and iron absorption.
Kushta (Skin Disorders): Detoxifies blood and treats skin infections.
Shotha (Edema): Anti-inflammatory properties reduce water retention.
Daha (Burning Sensation): Cooling properties soothe excess Pitta.
Yakrit Vikara (Liver Disorders): Improves bile secretion and liver detoxification.
Mutrakruchra (Urinary Disorders): Acts as a diuretic and relieves urinary infections.
Kasa (Cough): Beneficial in relieving mucus congestion.
Prameha (Diabetes): Controls excessive sugar absorption and metabolic disorders.
Lakuch Beej Churna
Grahani Gutika
Panchamrita Parpati
Talisadi Churna
Dadimadi Ghrita
Amlapittantak Churna
For Diarrhea:
Mix dried Lakuch fruit powder with honey and consume twice daily.
For Anemia:
Drink fresh Lakuch fruit juice mixed with jaggery.
For Liver Detoxification:
Boil Lakuch leaves in water and drink on an empty stomach.
For Skin Glow:
Apply mashed ripe Lakuch pulp with turmeric on the skin.
May Increase Kapha: Should be avoided in excessive mucus-related conditions.
Difficult to Digest in Large Quantities: Should be consumed in moderation.
Not Recommended for Diabetics in Excess: Ripe fruit contains high sugar levels.
Avoid in Pregnancy: Overconsumption may cause digestive discomfort.
Vishtambhi Dravyas refer to substances that have a binding effect on stools, essential in treating diarrhea and other digestive disorders. Lakuch exhibits these properties by:
Providing astringent effects, reducing excessive bowel movements.
Improving gut flora balance, preventing microbial overgrowth.
Enhancing nutrient absorption, restoring energy levels post-digestive ailments.
Lakuch (Artocarpus lacucha) is a potent Ayurvedic herb known for its digestive, anti-diarrheal, and detoxifying properties. It is widely used in managing Atisara (Diarrhea) due to its Grahi, Stambhana, and Deepana effects. It also finds applications in treating liver disorders, skin diseases, and metabolic conditions. Proper usage under Ayurvedic guidance ensures maximum therapeutic benefits while avoiding potential side effects.
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