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Ayurveda recognizes various liver and gall bladder disorders, including hepatitis, fatty liver, and gallstones, as manifestations of impaired digestion and metabolism. Poor dietary choices, excessive intake of spicy and oily foods, and a sedentary lifestyle are considered contributing factors. Ayurvedic diagnosis involves assessing the patient’s Prakriti (individual constitution), the state of the doshas, and the Agni (digestive fire). Treatment strategies focus on pacifying aggravated Pitta through a combination of dietary modifications, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes. Bitter and cooling herbs like Aloe Vera, Kutki, and Bhumyamalaki are commonly employed to support liver function and reduce inflammation. Detoxification therapies, such as Panchakarma, are recommended to eliminate accumulated toxins. Dietary recommendations emphasize a Pitta-pacifying diet, including cooling foods like cucumber, mint, and coriander. Additionally, lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, stress management through practices like yoga and meditation, and maintaining a disciplined daily routine contribute to the holistic management of liver and gall bladder diseases in Ayurveda. The approach is not merely symptom-centric; it aims to address the root cause, restore balance to the doshas, and promote overall well-being. Ayurveda’s perspective on liver and gall bladder health underscores the interconnectedness of the digestive system, metabolism, and the impact of lifestyle on these vital organs, providing a comprehensive framework for prevention and management.