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urinary disease

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Urinary Disease – Causes,Treatment

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, provides a comprehensive understanding of urinary disorders through the lens of doshas, dhatus, and malas, which represent the fundamental elements, tissues, and waste products in the body. In Ayurveda, urinary disorders are categorized under “Mutravaha Srotas” and can manifest as a result of imbalances in the doshas, particularly Vata and Pitta, affecting the urinary system.

kidney disfunction

In Ayurveda, the understanding of urinary diseases is deeply rooted in the holistic approach that considers the interplay of doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), dhatus (tissues), agni (digestive fire), and malas (waste products) in the body. The urinary system is governed by the “Mutravaha Srotas,” and any disturbance in this channel can lead to various urinary disorders. Ayurveda classifies urinary diseases based on the predominant dosha involved and the specific manifestation of symptoms.

Vata-Related Urinary Disorders:

Imbalances in Vata dosha are associated with movement and can manifest in the urinary system as follows:

  1. **Mutrakrichra (Dysuria):

    • Vata imbalance may cause dysuria, a condition characterized by painful or difficult urination. It can be accompanied by a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and increased frequency.
  2. **Mutraghata (Urinary Obstruction):

    • When Vata obstructs the normal flow of urine, it can lead to urinary retention or obstruction. This may result in discomfort, a sense of fullness, and difficulty in passing urine.
  3. **Vrikka Krichra (Renal Colic):

    • Renal colic, often associated with kidney stones, can be influenced by Vata imbalance. The pain and discomfort are caused by the movement of stones in the urinary tract.

Pitta-Related Urinary Disorders:

Pitta, associated with heat and transformation, plays a role in inflammatory conditions of the urinary system:

  1. **Mootrakruchra (Burning Sensation):

    • Pitta dominance can lead to a burning sensation during urination, a symptom commonly observed in urinary tract infections (UTIs) or inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract.
  2. **Mootraghata (Obstruction):

    • Pitta-related obstruction may manifest as inflammation and swelling in the urinary tract, leading to difficulties in the normal flow of urine.
  3. **Prameha (Urinary Disorders):

    • Prameha is a broader category encompassing various urinary disorders, including diabetes-related polyuria. Pitta imbalance contributes to the excess heat and fluid imbalance seen in Prameha.

Kapha-Related Urinary Disorders:

Kapha, representing stability and structure, influences conditions involving excess mucus and fluid retention in the urinary system:

  1. **Mootravedana (Painful Micturition):

    • Kapha imbalance can cause pain during urination due to the presence of excess mucus or fluids. This may be seen in conditions like urinary tract infections.
  2. **Mootrasanga (Obstruction):

    • Kapha-related obstruction may result from the accumulation of mucus or fluids, causing difficulties in the normal flow of urine.
  3. **Mootradosha (Disorders of Urine):

    • Kapha dominance can contribute to imbalances in urine composition, leading to disorders such as crystalluria or the formation of urinary stones.

Dhatu Involvement:

Ayurveda recognizes the involvement of specific dhatus (tissues) in urinary disorders:

  1. **Medovriddhi (Obesity):

    • Conditions like obesity can contribute to urinary disorders, and Ayurveda addresses the involvement of Meda dhatu (adipose tissue) in these cases.
  2. **Shukrakshaya (Oligospermia):

    • In men, imbalances in the reproductive tissues (Shukra dhatu) can affect sperm production and lead to conditions like oligospermia.

Understanding of Urinary Disorders in Ayurveda:

  1. Vata Imbalance:

    • Disorders involving the urinary system often have a Vata component. Vata governs the movement, and when imbalanced, it can lead to symptoms like increased frequency of urination, urinary urgency, and a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  2. Pitta Imbalance:

    • Pitta, associated with heat, can contribute to inflammatory conditions in the urinary tract. Conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs) or inflammatory disorders may exhibit symptoms such as burning sensation during urination and dark, concentrated urine.
  3. Kapha Imbalance:

    • Kapha imbalance can lead to conditions where there is an excess of mucus or fluids in the urinary system. This may manifest as cloudy urine, urinary retention, or conditions related to the formation of urinary stones.
  4. Dhatu Involvement:

    • Ayurveda recognizes the involvement of various dhatus (tissues) in urinary disorders. The imbalance in Rasa (plasma) and Meda (fat) dhatus, for example, can contribute to the formation of stones or crystalline deposits in the urinary system.

Home Remedies for Urinary Diseases in Ayurveda:

  1. Coriander Seeds (Dhania):

    • Coriander seeds are known for their diuretic properties and can be used to alleviate symptoms of urinary disorders. Boil coriander seeds in water, strain, and consume the decoction for relief.
  2. Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa):

    • Punarnava is a well-known herb with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used in Ayurveda to support kidney function and manage conditions like edema and urinary infections.
  3. Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris):

    • Gokshura is renowned for its ability to support urinary health. It can be consumed in various forms, such as a decoction or as part of Ayurvedic formulations, to address conditions like UTIs and kidney stones.
  4. Amla (Indian Gooseberry):

    • Amla, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, is beneficial for overall health, including urinary well-being. Consuming amla regularly may help in preventing urinary infections.
  5. Fennel Seeds (Saunf):

    • Fennel seeds have diuretic properties and can aid in reducing water retention. Chewing fennel seeds or preparing a decoction may be beneficial for individuals with urinary disorders.
  6. Bael (Aegle marmelos):

    • Bael fruit and leaves are known for their therapeutic properties in Ayurveda. Consuming Bael juice or incorporating it into the diet may help in managing urinary issues.
  7. Pashanabheda (Bergenia ligulata):

    • Pashanabheda is traditionally used in Ayurveda for its stone-dissolving properties. It may be included in formulations to address the formation of urinary stones.
  8. Triphala:

    • Triphala, a combination of three fruits (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki), is known for its detoxifying and rejuvenating properties. It can be consumed to promote overall digestive and urinary health.
  9. Water Intake:

    • Adequate water intake is crucial for maintaining urinary health. Hydration helps flush out toxins from the body and supports proper kidney function.
  10. Cucumber (Kakdi):

    • Cucumber is a hydrating vegetable that can be beneficial for individuals with urinary disorders. Including cucumber in the diet or consuming its juice may help in promoting urinary health.


  • While home remedies can provide relief, it’s essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for a thorough assessment and personalized treatment plan.

  • Ayurvedic interventions for urinary disorders may also include dietary guidelines, lifestyle modifications, and specific Ayurvedic formulations tailored to individual needs.

  • Individuals experiencing persistent or severe urinary issues should seek guidance from healthcare professionals to ensure a comprehensive approach to their health. Ayurveda’s holistic perspective emphasizes balance and individualized care, contributing to the overall well-being of an individual.

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